11th International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics 2024
"Narrative in the Digital Age: Exploring Language, Literature, and Linguistics in the 21st Century""
This theme would focus on the profound impact of digital technology on how narratives are created, disseminated, and interpreted in the modern era. It would encompass a wide range of topics related to language, literature, and linguistics, providing an opportunity for scholars and enthusiasts to explore the evolving landscape of storytelling and communication in the 21st century.
The LLL2024 aims to inspire and unite language enthusiasts, linguists, educators, and researchers to celebrate the multifaceted nature of languages and embrace the opportunities presented by a globalized and interconnected world by acknowledging linguistic diversity, promoting innovation in language education, and fostering inclusivity. The conference seeks to create a vibrant and forward-looking environment that celebrates the enduring importance of languages in shaping human communication and culture and will covers topics pertaining to Language, Literature and Linguistics in various institutional, social, and cultural contexts. The conference also welcomes presentations based on studies conducted from inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary perspectives, involving research into language/s in different academic disciplines.
We welcome individual paper presentations, panel sessions, round table discussions, performances, short films and posters. Your participation in LLL2024 may be under the following categories (Original research paper, published article, Dissertation/PhD thesis, Research abstract)
Main Sub Themes of LLL2024
- Linguistic Diversity
- Literature in Translation
- Oral Traditions and Storytelling
- Language Acquisition and Education
- Literary Genres and Movements
- Literature and Technology
- Digital Humanities in Linguistics and Literature
- Linguistics and Cognitive Science
- Indigenous Languages and Literature
- Language and Power
- Literature and Identity
- Language and Gender
- Stylistics and Poetics
- Historical Linguistics
The 11th International Conference on Language, Literature & Linguistics 2024 will be facilitated by the following eminent academics.
Dr. Donathan Brown- Vice Provost for Faculty Diversity at Northeastern University, USA
Dr. Ching-Ying- Deputy CEO of AI Digital Transformation Research Center, National Pingtung University, Taiwan
Dr. Mark Yul -University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Dr. Ramaratnam, Vice Chancellor JK University, India
Dr.Kristian Van Haesendonck, University of Sanya, China
Abstracts are accepted as long as presenter time is available or by 30 May 2024 at latest. All submissions will be reviewed and acceptance or rejections is based on many factors. Notification on acceptance will be forwarded within 5 days after the submissions.
You are welcome to LLL2024!
Dr.Prabhath Patabendi
Convener LLL2024